I hadn't had enough sleep lately. I had to finish this web A.S.A.P. though its really tiring. sometimes i asked myself again, why in the world did I accept this kind of job?. Its not like I'm not happy with it, maybe i'm kinda stress with all the work that need to be done sooner. I really am puting all I got into this web. I work from a scratch and made a web. then something just didn't went right. so I start from a scratch again. This happened so many times. I can't even recalled how many times did I repeated this steps again and again. I wanted to show everyone the best I could give them. Its not merely a job for scraping off or even just for fun. I did it to improve myself. I had this boundaries that I know I could surpassed it. It just take a lot of works and intention. Its just then you'll know how big is this world.
Lately, i'm working on Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver. So much to explore yet too shorts in time. Seems like the clock spins faster each day. Not a second to waste.
Thats all..
6 years ago
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