I'm stress out really bad. I can't properly control my emotions. I tried hard to get into clinical for the next intake, but it seems to me that my lecturer doesn't really care that much.
"Kalau taknak tolong bagi masuk koass takyah la janji-janji nak tolong lah segala macam. Konon baik hati nak tolong orang nak kena D.O, aku sendiri dia abaikan. Macam tahi pun ada. Asal aku jumpa dia je, mesti dia buat-buat sibuk. Meeting lah, ada tamulah, nak pergi makan lah. Aku nak mintak 5 minit je nak cerita kat dia yang aku nak kejar koass. Tu pun dia takde masa."
Futsal is one of the thing that help me through this. I can't possibly keep anymore stress to myself. Then there came my cutest dearest darling. I had left so much space in my heart for her. but its all just an escape I use to temporarily making my head lighter. So please let me get on with the seminar and so on.
Something I was looking back there eventually just in front of my nose the whole time. What an idiot I am.
thats all...
6 years ago