Am I the only person feeling this??
Somebody said something that reminds me of the mistake I've done back then. Mistake that hurts me for some times and for that reason I promised not to do that mistake again. But right now, it seems to me that I've been in the same spot where I'll repeat the same mistake. I don't want this thing to happen. What should I do to make it different this time??
"Ko jgn wat keje gile,bai. Ko blom pun dapat die lagi.." - Faiz
thats all...
6 years ago
lepak la bai..
aku xsngaja trckp bnd 2 ke ko...
time 2 aku mmg ngh pening gler pasl gtsl nie..
tp ko pkr2 la gak..
dun make the same mistake like last time...
risau aku tgk time ko down gler nnt..
dh la nk dkt xm nie...
papehal pun slow n steady bt ms skrg sbb ada bnd pntg lg dr farhana 2..
xm final nie dh dkt dh..
so pndi2 la ko pkrkn...
p/s: papehal pun aku mnta maaf la ye psl kat lab td... time 2 aku bengang gler kt merina gemouk 2... xabis2 nk dgki ngn org len.. damn..
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