Sometimes I wonder if I can keep up being this way. I'm so tired of pretending to be tough and strong just to make sure everything is in place. Deep inside me, I almost crashed, shattered and blown to pieces. Almost everything of what I'm dream of seems to fade away.
"Aku penat la nk wat die gembira. Everytime pun mesti ade sumthing kat mind die yg pikir bende2 negatif. Last2, bende tu akan wat die down and unhappy. Pastu aku kene la mesej die, kol die and slalu jumpe die just to make sure she's okay. But in the middle of that, I had torn myself deeply and almost every move I made, added more pain to it. Because it seems to me, I'm the only one who trying so hard here...haih..Knape la xleh diorg paham...(sigh)..."
I have exam to be worried about. Maybe if I focus more on my studies, it'll make me forget this mess for awhile..
thats all..
6 years ago
i understand..i can see dat u're trying very hard 2 make her happy..wlopon kekdg aku nmpak cm x support ko,bukan aku xnak support..aku xnak tgk ko terluke lg..ko da cm adik bradik aku da..wutver it is,klo ko ade mslh,n nk sumone to listen,u still hv me..*cheers*
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